Sports Premium

St George's Sport Premium

St George's Sport Premium

St George's Sport Premium

St George's Sport Premium
As part of the 2012 Olympic Legacy all schools have been allocated Sports Premium funding to raise attainment, achievement and participation in sports and encourage healthy lifestyles.
For the school year 2024/25 we were allocated £17,820.
2023/24 - Total funding received £17,810.
At St George's our PE provision is potentially restricted by our very limited space. We feel very strongly that our children have the right to the highest standard of sports provision in order to help them achieve better health and fitness, to enjoy competition and to develop skills and confidence.
In order to achieve this we work with Physical Foundations' coach Gareth Cranmer who teaches games and athletics from F2 to Year 6, supports staff in developing their skills in teaching PE, delivers after school sports clubs and organises a whole school sports day at Costello Stadium every summer.
We also employ a gymnastics coach, Sara Ostler, in school two mornings a week. Every class in KS1 and KS2 works with the coach for two terms each year. The lessons involve a mixture of floor and apparatus work. Children develop strength, agility, balance and confidence in their gymnastics lessons and learn how to do handstands, cartwheels, forward and backward rolls etc safely and correctly.
In addition to this we fund a teacher from the Northern Academy of Performing Arts who works with every year group. The dance lessons develop children's co-ordination, agility, cardio-vascular fitness, team-work and confidence. The teachers work with the children to prepare two dance shows each year which are performed at the Northern Academy of Performing Arts.
Our provision ensures that all children receive at least two hours of high quality physical education every week. It engages all children developing strength, fitness and confidence, provides opportunities for competition and performance and allows our talented young athletes, dancers and gymnasts to develop a high level of skill and excel.