Pupil Premium

St George's Pupil Premium

St George's Pupil Premium

St George's Pupil Premium

St George's Pupil Premium
The Pupil Premium is funding designed to support schools in ensuring that children whose circumstances may put them at a disadvantage academically are given every opportunity to succeed and fulfil their potential. The funding is allocated to schools based on the following criteria:
The number of children who receive Free School Meals currently or who have received Free School Meals at any time in the last 6 years.
The number of children who are Looked After by the Local Authority.
Children who have been previously Looked After by the Local Authority or who have been adopted from care.
The number of children who have a parent in the services.
This year our school will receive £148,185 pupil premium funding made up of £134,555 pupil premium funding and £13,630 recovery funding. The funding is spent in a variety of ways but with the single objective of supporting children's learning and ensuring that those children who are in receipt of pupil premium are not at any disadvantage academically. We take a holistic approach to supporting children and as such investment is put not only into academic support but emotional well-being support, learning outside the classroom and health initiatives.
To see a more detailed report of our spend last year and to view the plan for 2023/24 click the button above.